Sharing our metastatic breast cancer story
Your Story. Your Experience.
Metastatic breast cancer, or MBC, is life changing.
Because of that, every one of you: individuals, caregivers, family members, and friends have important stories to tell. Hear stories from across the MBC community that motivate us and discover resources that we hope will help you along your experience.
Whether you are living with metastatic breast cancer, or a caregiver, you need information and support.
Although there may be obstacles, you can be empowered to make informed decisions about your care. That’s why Beyond Pink was created – to provide useful tools and information for those living with MBC and their loved ones.
“Living with MBC takes resiliency, knowledge, love and support. While it is certainly never easy, it also gives you an invaluable perspective in life on making all that you do meaningful, in recognizing that making yourself a priority is essential and that you do not have to let your disease define you.”

“Make sure you are an active member of your treatment team. Without your input, your team is like a school of fish out of water.”

“My support system is something I lean on constantly. From family, to friends, to advocates, I value each of them as they watch me navigate my struggles and achievements with MBC. They cry with me, laugh with me and lift me up when I'm feeling down. I could never do this alone. I do what I do, endure all the struggles for those that love me most."

“I can’t control MBC, but I choose to focus on the things I CAN control. Because today, or tomorrow, or in 15 years from now, it may be my last.”

“There is a little magic in a community that works hard to help others through advocacy and support. No one living with this disease should ever feel alone.”

“Ultimately, I have used this diagnosis to reflect on the blessings in my life and channel those feelings of gratitude into action. I have become a better wife, employee, mother, grandmother, friend, and advocate. I am grateful for my support system and the love of family and friends. I am living more authentically than I was before diagnosis. As strange as it sounds, this diagnosis has been life changing in such a positive way!”

“When I think about my MBC journey, I think it’s important to keep a positive attitude and not sweat the small stuff. This is what helps me on a daily basis.”
Helpful tools for your personal MBC experience.
An MBC diagnosis is a very different experience than a diagnosis of early-stage breast cancer. You may feel overwhelmed as you look for resources that address your unanswered questions.
These downloadable resources may help but remember to talk to your doctor about your diagnosis.
Resources for Caregivers
Caring for yourself is just as important as caring for your loved one who is living with MBC.
Hear stories and gather knowledge about how you can best support your loved one while being mindful of your own wellbeing.